
IOM Migration Information Centre (MIC) prepared a new guide Ahoj! Hello, Welcome to Slovakia (2021) for non-EU nationals younger than 18 years old being in Slovakia without parents or any other adult relatives. Information is available in brochure and leaflet form in 7 various languages.

Banner - IOM MIC Leaflets for unaccompanied minors in Slovakia

The guide helps unaccompanied minors:

  • to obtain a quick and clear orientation in first steps in Slovakia,
  • to clarify the role of the most important persons they will meet during their stay in Slovakia,
  • to determine their basic duties,
  • to introduce their legal status and legal options arising from national and international law, such as international protection (asylum and subsidiary protection), voluntary return home or family reunion.

The guide is available for download on MIC website in languages: Arabic, Dari, English, Hindi, Pashto, Vietnamese, Urdu.

Download brochures and leaflets.


Migration Information Centre to Support Integration of Migrants in Slovakia (Phase X, Individual Project). The project is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Home Affairs Funds.