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- Category: Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations
- Hits: 19618
The assisted voluntary returns to the country of origin have been one of the key activities of IOM in Slovakia since 1999. The legal framework of the programme is based on the Cooperation Agreement between the International Organization for Migration and the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on Assistance with the Return of Unsuccessful Asylum Applicants and Illegal Migrants to the Country of Origin, which was concluded in in 1998.
The right of a person to return to the country of origin is enshrined in a number of human rights documents. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”. The Slovak Republic in line with its international commitments respects the right of any person to return back to the country of origin. According to the Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on the residence foreigners can apply for a voluntary return from the Slovak Republic back to the country of their origin on any grounds.
The AVRR (Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration) Programme ensures coordinated, humane and cost-effective returns of third country nationals who cannot or do not want to stay in Slovakia and wish to return voluntarily to the country of origin. IOM assistance to migrants with reintegration into society upon their return through reintegration grants is also a part of the programme.
The programme is based on the principle of voluntariness. Thus, a foreigner registered with the programme can decide not to return to the country of origin at any time. IOM puts emphasis on ensuring safety and dignity of migrants throughout the whole return process. Other persons who could prevent a migrant from leaving are not informed about his/her decision.
The AVRR Programme web site: www.avr.iom.sk.
Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Country of Origin (Individual Project). The project is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Home Affairs Funds.
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- Category: Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations
- Hits: 13745
International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Slovak Republic provides third-country nationals without residence permit or unsuccessful asylum seekers assistance with and upon their return back home.
Return home with IOM is voluntary and depends on the free decision of the migrant.
Who can apply for the return?
- Migrants without residence permit in Slovakia
- Asylum seekers who wish to return home
- Unsuccessful asylum seekers
How Can IOM Help?
IOM provides assistance with return home and after the return to migrants based on their individual needs and the assistance may include:
- Provision of information and counselling on return
- Registration into the AVRR programme
- Return preparation
- Assistance with acquiring travel documents
- Food, accommodation, clothes, health care
- Provision of travel tickets to the country of origin
- Assistance at the airport (at departure, in transit countries and upon arrival) and transfer from the airport to home
The reintegration assistance after the return may include:
- Business start-up or entering into partnership with a company
- Material assistance
- Education
- Temporary accommodation assistance
- Training/courses
- Medical assistance
- Other types of assistance (e.g. legal counselling or job search assistance)
There is no legal entitlement for the post return assistance.
Contact us:
For more information contact IOM staff through the low rate AVRR help-line 0850 211 262 or visit our webpage on AVRR: www.avr.iom.sk.
Information on AVRR Programme to migrants is available in Slovak, English, Russian and Serbian language.
Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Country of Origin (Individual Project). This project is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Home Affairs Funds.
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- Category: Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations
- Hits: 12158
Returns in the world
Assisted voluntary returns and reintegration (AVRR) have been provided worldwide for four decades. Since 1979, the programme has helped more than 1.7 million migrants who used the human, dignified and safe return home and arranged returns to more than 170 countries or areas/places worldwide. More information in English.
The assistance under the AVRR programme has been provided by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) since 1998 based on the Agreement on Cooperation between the IOM and the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on the assistance with the return of unsuccessful asylum seekers and illegal migrants to the country of origin.
In total, IOM assisted 1,834 foreigners who returned to 68 countries from 2004 to 31 December 2023, on average 92 migrants per year. The majority returned to the Republic of Moldova (13.52%), China (10.09%), Viet Nam (9.98%), Türkiye (9.54%) and Ukraine (7.96%).
Returns by age
The number of returnees in the period of 2004 to 31 December 2023 in the age group 0–17 years accounted for 7.20 per cent of all returnees, the share of the age group 18–30 years is 48.64 per cent, while 38.60 per cent of people who returned under the AVRR programme were aged 31–50 and 5.56 per cent were migrants over 51.
Return statistics according to sex
From 2004 to 31 December 2023, the share of male foreigners who returned under the AVRR programme was 73.83 per cent, while female migrants accounted for 26.17 per cent.
Reintegration assistance to migrants after returning home
From 2004 until December 2023, IOM provided reintegration assistance to 376 individuals or families in 40 countries or areas/places worldwide. They received reintegration assistance exceeding 552,000 euros.
In 2023, IOM Slovakia assisted six individuals or whole families who returned to Viet Nam, Türkiye and Libya. For the first time, IOM supported the reintegration of migrants after their return to Libya. In 2023, IOM provided the returnees with reintegration assistance worth 10,957.72 euros, which they mainly used to set up small business activities, house reconstruction, temporary accommodation assistance, health care for returnees or a combination of several types of assistance.
In 2022, IOM Slovakia assisted 16 individuals or whole families who returned to Georgia, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, the Republic of Moldova, Armenia and Zimbabwe. For the first time, IOM also supported the reintegration of migrants after their return to Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe. In 2022, IOM provided the returnees with reintegration assistance worth 22,986.97 euros, mainly used for house reconstruction, temporary accommodation assistance, health care for returnees and a combination of several types of assistance.
In 2021, IOM Slovakia provided reintegration assistance to 28 individuals or whole families who returned under the AVRR programme to Serbia and Ukraine. The reintegration assistance, worth 36,253.47 euros, was mainly used for temporary accommodation, house reconstruction, health care for returnees, or a combination of several types of assistance.
In 2020, IOM Slovakia assisted 25 individuals or whole families who returned to Georgia, Serbia, Ukraine, Morocco, North Macedonia, Iran and Türkiye. For the first time, IOM also supported the reintegration of foreigners after their return to Morocco. In 2020, IOM provided the returnees with reintegration assistance worth 34,864.49 euros, mainly used for temporary accommodation assistance, house reconstruction, setting up small business activities and a combination of several types of assistance.
In 2019, IOM Slovakia provided reintegration assistance to 41 individuals or whole families that returned under the AVRR programme to Serbia, Ukraine, Iran, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, the Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, North Macedonia, the Philippines, the Russian Federation and Thailand. They used the reintegration assistance worth 59,457.05 euros mainly for temporary accommodation assistance, house reconstruction, small business activities or a combination of several types of assistance.
In 2018, IOM Slovakia assisted 34 individuals or whole families who returned to Viet Nam, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Tunisia and Türkiye. For the first time, IOM also supported the reintegration of foreigners after their return to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Gambia and Tunisia. In 2018, IOM provided the returnees with reintegration assistance worth 47,967.45 euros, mainly used to set up small business activities for house reconstruction, temporary accommodation assistance, to cover education expenses, or to combine several types of assistance.
In 2017, IOM provided reintegration assistance worth 27,842.25 euros to 22 individuals or whole families that returned to Serbia, Iraq, Ukraine, Viet Nam, Kosovo*, Afghanistan, Georgia, Ghana, India, the Republic of Moldova, Pakistan and the United States. For the first time, IOM implemented reintegration assistance in Ghana and the United States. Returnees used the reintegration assistance mainly to set up small business activities, for material assistance, house reconstruction and temporary accommodation assistance.
In 2016, IOM Slovakia provided reintegration assistance to 20 individuals or whole families that returned under the AVRR programme to Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, India, Viet Nam, Belarus, Brazil, Iran, Peru, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Thailand and Ukraine. They used the reintegration assistance worth 31,483.26 euros mainly for business activities, to ensure basic living needs and to cover education expenses.
In 2015, IOM Slovakia provided reintegration assistance worth 31,275.53 euros to 17 individuals or whole families that returned under the AVRR programme to Viet Nam, Iraq, Kosovo*, Georgia, India, Kenya, Mexico and the Republic of Moldova. They used the reintegration assistance mainly for business activities and to ensure basic living needs – material assistance and temporary accommodation assistance.
In 2014, IOM Slovakia provided reintegration assistance worth 43,229.98 euros to 29 individuals or whole families after their return to Viet Nam, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Georgia, India, Iraq, Mexico, Namibia, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Türkiye. From various assistance offered, migrants were mainly interested in business start-ups, material assistance and temporary accommodation assistance.
In 2013, the total volume of reintegration assistance was worth 44,737.79 euros. The assistance was provided by IOM Slovakia to 31 individuals or entire families who returned to the country or area/place of origin under the AVRR programme and who applied for a reintegration grant. Reintegration assistance was delivered in Viet Nam, China, Armenia, the Republic of Moldova, Afghanistan, India, the Russian Federation, Iraq and Kosovo* and included support of education, business, material assistance, temporary accommodation and health care for returnees.
In 2012, IOM Slovakia the returnees with reintegration assistance worth 42,122.28 euros. A total of 27 cases consisting of individuals or whole families who opted for assisted voluntary return and applied for reintegration assistance were assisted with reintegration grants. The assisted cases originated from Viet Nam, the Republic of Moldova, Armenia, the Russian Federation, Kosovo*, China, Iran, Nepal, North Macedonia, Thailand, Türkiye and Ukraine.
In 2011, IOM Slovakia assisted 26 individuals or whole families who returned to Viet Nam, Ukraine, Georgia, Kosovo*, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq and the Republic of Moldova. IOM provided returnees with reintegration assistance through services and goods reimbursement worth 35,783.79 euros.
In 2010, IOM Slovakia assisted with the reintegration of 33 individuals or families after their return to Viet Nam, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Kosovo* and Serbia by reimbursing them 45,060.90 euros for services and goods.
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Country of Origin (Individual Project). The project is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Home Affairs Funds.