IOM remote assistance to Ukrainian refugees and non-European Union (EU) nationals. Photo © International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2022.
IOM also provides legal, social and job counselling and referral to relevant services through its Migration Information Centre (MIC). Accessible through both email and helplines, the assistance has been focused further on supporting Ukrainians as well as to non-European Union (EU) nationals.
IOM also regularly updates the IOM MIC website dedicated to the situation in Ukraine, where relevant legislative, administrative, and other information are presented, and relevant contacts shared here.
This online support is available in Ukrainian / Slovak / English / Russian language.
INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING TO SLOVAKIA FROM UKRAINEInternational Organization for Migration (IOM) Migration Information Centre: Infoline: 0850 211 478 (only from Slovakia) From abroad: +421 2 5263 0023, +421 55 625 8662 Telegram/Signal: +421 908 767 853 (voice calls only) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: |