Community Center for Work and Knowledge Mobility (COMIN) is a centre for foreigners in the Nitra region, daily serving 50 people that fled the war in Ukraine. In response to the most pressing needs of these people in emergency, IOM handed over to this centre hygienic kits and slippers.
On 27 July 2022, 24 employees of the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, NGOs Mareena and League for Mental Health and employees of the Gabcikovo Accommodation Facility attended the IOM training on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).
Children that fled war in Ukraine experienced Old Danube rafting trip guided by an Olympic medallist
IOM together with Vodacke centrum in Bratislava organized a one-day rafting trip for 23 teenagers that were forced to leave their homes as a result of the war in Ukraine and currently live in the Gabcikovo Accommodation Facility.
On 29 July 2022, IOM delivered 8 palettes of non-perishable food items, water, tea, baby food pouches, coffee, milk, cups and hygienic supplies that will serve people in need who seek assistance, advice and support at the Kosice first contact centre for people in Ukraine.
People fleeing war in Ukraine and arriving in Slovakia with granted temporary refuge status, most often inquire if they can lose their status, or what to do if they encounter a problem while crossing the border to another country to visit their homes or relatives.
During the summer months IOM has continued distributing vital humanitarian aid to people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Most of them were forced to leave their home without personal belongings and hygiene kits are their first non-food emergency need.
From the records of lectures and panel discussions by 22 experts from 15 countries you will find out, for instance, what the migration situation in Libya and the Mediterranean is, how people live in refugee camps in Greece, or whether development cooperation reduces migration abroad.
International Organization for Migration (IOM) continues providing assistance to people who fled war in Ukraine and found a temporary shelter in the Gabcikovo Accommodation Facility, currently hosting 970 people.
From 11 to 14 July 2022 in Kosice, Michalovce, Presov and in Poprad, IOM conducted combined trainings on Counter-Trafficking and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) for 68 frontline workers – members of the District Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service in these cities.
Yelyzaveta Halina, IOM Slovakia
I have a diary which I really like because I can express my emotions and thoughts in it. There is a special section which is called “100 dreams”. One of them came true. It was a point number 55 and it looked like that: “Working for the United Nations.”